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Drivers of commercial vehicles such as trucks, buses, taxi, uber, and vehicles carrying dangerous goods must meet certain medical standards to ensure public and personal safety.
Professional driving requires strong focus, excellent visual acuity, fast instincts, good judgement, and the ability to respond quickly. Hence, the physical capability of drivers are of utmost importance.
Commercial vehicle drivers are required to comply with legislation, and be certified as ‘fit to drive’, in accordance with the Assessing Fitness to Drive 2016 standards for commercial vehicle drivers, published by Austroads and the National Transport Commission.
Medical assessments must be carried out 3 yearly for commercial drivers below the age of 50, and annually for those drivers 50 and over.
Drug & Alcohol Testing and Management
Alcohol and other drug usage becomes an issue if a worker’s ability to exercise judgement, coordination, motor control, concentration and alertness at the workplace is impaired.
The goal for developing a Drug and Alcohol Policy in the workplace is to prevent and reduce harm associated with people being impaired by drugs and alcohol and promote the safety of the workplace and public.
An effective strategy is to implement random Drug & Alcohol testing in the workplace for all employees and subcontractors.
Frequency of testing is recommended to be at least 4 times a year targeting a minimum selection of 10% of the total workforce.
We offer Urine Drug & Alcohol Testing, conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS/NZS4308:2008.
Any initial non-negative urine drug test results are sent to a NATA accredited laboratory for mandatory confirmatory GCMS testing.
We also offer Breath Alcohol testing, consistent with Australian Standards AS3457:1997 using calibrated, hand-held Type-2 electronic devices.