Training Has Never – Been Safer!
To ensure the safety of our staff and clientele, Eureka 4WD Training has implemented the following procedures to comply with the current Australian Government requirements
- All students must complete Covid-19 declaration on sign-in
- Classrooms are re-configured to comply with required social distancing
- Handwash stations throughout building with clear signage
- All high-contact areas are thoroughly sanitised throughout each day
VEHICLES – Maximum Of 2 Student Per Vehicle
- We have adopted a maximum of 2 students per vehicle, this ensures social distancing from other students and trainers
- Each trainer is in a separate vehicle and assesses practical obstacles from outside the vehicle
- Clients are encouraged to bring their own vehicles
- Sanitiser and cleaning cloths are provided in each training vehicle
- High contact areas are sanitised before a training session commences
- Training vehicles are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before each course
- All staff and students to adhere to social distancing requirements
- No handshaking or body contact
- No handing over of mobile phones/cameras
- PPE must be worn where required
We sincerely ask that all students adhere to these policies to keep everyone safe.
For any further information please contact our office or seek information from your trainer on the day.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries on 08 9461 2300 or email:
Kind Regards
Eureka 4WD Training