Ensure You Are Ready For Your Next Adventure With A Eureka 4WD Pre-Start Checklist

Preparation for a 4WD trip is very important to prevent any disappointing mishaps or breakdowns along the way.  Regular vehicle inspections via pre-start checks can assist in preventing serious mechanical issues, either in day to day running or prior to the trip of a lifetime. While not a definitive list, use the below pre-start checklist as a guide to check over your vehicle.

The POWER acronym

POWER Stands for Petrol (Fuel), Oil, Water, Electrics and Rubber


  • Petrol, Diesel or Fuel – Ensure enough fuel for journey and reserve in case of emergency


  • Check Engine Oil, Transmission Fluid, Brake and clutch fluids


  • Check water for personal consumption (always good to have a reserve), Radiator fluid level or overflow tank level and windscreen washer bottles


  • Check battery terminals are secure and clean, battery secured, battery fluid level if not maintenance-free, fuses etc


  • Check hoses under the bonnet, they should be soft and supple, with no cracks or splits and that clamps are secured, also check rubber belts for signs of damage or wear, Check the tyres out and ensure wear levels are even and above the legal tread wear indicator level, no damage such as TEK screws, nails or missing chunks of rubber.  Pay extra attention to the sidewalls of tyres as they are the weakest part of the tyre.  Ensure dust valve caps are fitted also. Do not forget the spare!

If you are not mechanically minded, then we suggest you get your mechanic or service agent to perform a thorough inspection of the vehicle.

Most of all stay safe and enjoy your next adventure.

-Bryan Mitchell

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